What’s up with this world?

Olá mildly beautiful people wherever you are,

yes all these many of you, where did you come from and brought this suppleness of micro gravel of life.

Yes All of You, who when Life hits the Nail behave like forgiveable humans little supple egoists self-marketenders other disrespecters even with your joint political correctness revolution tags – oh yes you’re so BLM so Homo so METOO, so anti racist, …

But what happens when your participation is needed?

Take a refugee into your home, help his family to get safely rooted into YOUR community, not others.

Keep distance and wear a mask, any mask, but do both.

Stay home, yes, vacation at home, or just nearby. You and your kids. Forget using the kids impatience as argument that you can’t help rescue lives and the economies of many that feed you and your kids.

Be black if you’re black, and be less white if you’re white.

Be a man and reject overpayments for the same job and effort than your female colleague. Report that manager to your ethics office or jurisdiction if it’s a tough nut.

Respect the older, wear a mask, shut up, do it.

Race on the racetrack with your little johnny extension and allow traffic flow in peace on public roads.

Just reflect on your errors and ask for forgiveness.

Give. Just Give. You get or not in return, it doesn’t matter. Give, so others can follow the example, you fool.

Stop your white supremacy system elevated clueless compassion and act instead, or just shut up, stop saying you are one of whoever and supportive, because you are in fact NOT!

Just have no opinion, please. Have humble action on what you believe.

Because only the in sane are human.

Bom dia.
